Exploring kneading, paiting and making music with the mother

from 1 to 3 years

Art studio Quartet offers a comprehensive program, which is suitable not only for musical creativity,
but also for the sensorimotor development of your child. The characteristics of this method show up in the form of a game,
integrated activities as well as accessibility; even for the smallest age group.
This is done through the exchange between mother and child.
The program of kneading, painting, making music with the mother brings an invaluable advantage in the education of children and facilitates:

developing rhythm and musicality
developing fine motor skills
developing correct language skills
correction of speech defects (general underdevelopment of speech like: alalia, dysarthria, stuttering)
the improvement of the general well-being of the child
strengthening of the back muscles
shaping into a correct posture
the ability to listen and memorize the parents' instructions    
the convergence of a child to his parents

Teaching content:

Kneading and shaping
Music / Rhythm
Playing musical instruments
Funny and enjoyable music games

Vocal Training

For children and adults

5 reasons to train singing individually:

1. the student has his own singing teacher and all attention is 100% on your child.
An individual & optimal training program is selected for voice and breath development, the basics of technique,
rhythm and expansion of vocal range

2. the own learning speed is decisive and the lessons can be adapted individually

3. mistakes can be corrected immediately and the new achievements strengthened

4. the repertoire can be chosen individually

5. there is more security and self-confidence


from 5 years

This course is not only for mastering a musical instrument, but also introduces children to the basics of the world of arts.
It supports their intellectual development and strengthens their interest in classical and modern music, and the general understanding of art.


We offer courses with the following instruments:

Flute / Recorder

Concert design

At Kunststudio Quartett there is the lively, creative and fun course program Concert design.
Suitable for talented children who like to sing, dance and perform.
They surge with interesting ideas and are charged with positive energy.


For this course, the children have already passed various exams.
They can be proud of the level of creative development they have achieved, and are now gaining experience at performing on stage.


We offer the following subjects:

Singing (academic, artistic, jazz, choir)
Choreography (classical, scenic and modern)
Before the concerts there are rehearsals

Anmeldung zur Probelektion: quartett@kunststudio.ch

Offizieller Partner

"Славянский Базар" в Витебске

Официальный кастинг центр в Швейцарии 

Студия искусттв "Квартет"

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